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Regarding Soul Animals (FAQ)

Definitions: Soul Animal :  a species specific animal, whether living, extinct, or of legend, that represents the core energy signature (or "soul") of a living being.   Spirit Animal : an animal guide that presents itself as a physical animal, via a person's Soul Animal, through a dream, in a meditation, in repetitive conversation or symbolism, or via some other type of shamanic experience.  Other terms that may be utilized for search options on this topic are "animal totem", "animal guide", "spirit animal guide", "animal messenger", "messenger animal", "animal spirit". FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ※ What does knowing my Soul Animal do for me?     It's another way for you to access yourself.  Knowing your Soul Animal is a tool for you to work through whatever life has, is, or will throw at you.  This is a way to navigate your relationships, your career, your communication needs, your healing, and overall

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